

How to Prepare for Tax Season

Tax season is fast approaching! If you’re hiring a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), accountant, or other tax professional to handle your taxes, you still have to do some work. It’s your responsibility to gather certain documents so that your tax pro has everything they need to file your return.

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What To Know Before Moving Homes In Retirement 

In the past year, many have spent more time in their homes than ever before. This has gotten some thinking about moving or a second home. Building your dream home for retirement is not an uncommon goal many Americans have. However, just because it’s a common dream doesn’t mean it’s an appropriate dream for a large portion of the population. Sure, you may have several hundred thousand or a couple million in your retirement accounts but you’ll still want to think before you build your retirement dream home. 

Think Location

Three of the most important considerations to take into account before building a dream home are location, location and location. You’ll want to ask whether the location you’re looking to build on is an up-and-coming destination or one that’s had a downturn for several years. No one knows what the future will hold but a home in a desirable location is more likely to sell than one in a depressed area.

If your chosen destination, even if it’s near a beach or ski resort, has had stagnant or declining home prices for years, it’s a sign that it might not be a good place to build a home. Another concern would be the average length of time properties stay on the market in a given community. If there’s a low supply of houses and a short turnaround when they go on the market, your chosen location might be a good fit. If houses stay on the market for a year or more, it might be a good idea to look elsewhere. 

Think About the Kids

Most people who retire want to spend time with their kids and grandchildren. This might make it seem like buying or building a dream home near the kids would be a good idea. Think again. People move for jobs every day. Sometimes, that move will be from one building across the street to another. Other job moves will require a move across a state or across the country.

Building a dream home close to your kids today does not guarantee it will be close to your kids five years from now. Additionally, dream homes tend to be on the upper end of the price scale and this can mean that they’ll sell less quickly than more affordable homes. Therefore, if your main reason for building a dream home is to be close to your children, it might pay to ponder the decision a bit longer. 

Think About Cash Flow

No matter how big your nest egg happens to be, you always need to think about cash flow. This goes if you’re 30 years old or 60 years old. Overspending on a home is bad for cash flow whether you’re making $50,000 a year with no money in your nest egg or making $150,000 a year with $750,000 in your nest egg. If you have a nice chunk rolling in from a pension or Social Security, this might work in your favor for building your dream home. Keep in mind that you might want to downsize your dream home a bit to keep more cash working in your favor regardless of your current financial situation.

It’s also a good idea to remember that most people decline physically over time. This means that a multistory dream home will be less accessible in a few years. If you need to hire some help, that will put additional strain on your cash flow as well.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with building a dream home as long as you can afford it. However, there can be some pitfalls that come from building one for retirement. Most people will eventually have to downsize and having too much equity tied up in a home can make it more difficult to do so quickly. Taking all facets of building a new home into account is an important step to take before you ever sign on the dotted line to start your build.


Baby Boomers Bomb This Question 

With all of the day to day demands on your finances, sometimes it is difficult to have a strong grasp on what your overall financial picture really looks like. While many people may be very in tune with one segment of their financial life, you may be inadvertently neglecting other parts. One often overlooked financial aspect is retirement savings. In fact, you may be surprised to know that according to the Motley Fool, 42% of baby boomers cannot answer the question of “How much have you saved for retirement?” While this revelation may seem shocking, it is a reality that for many, immediate financial needs tend to take priority and retirement savings gets put on the back burner.

One reason for this may be that saving for retirement is complex. Many people know that they have spent their work life contributing to an employer-sponsored plan and/or IRAs, but they may set their monthly and quarterly statements aside, never really looking at how much their account has grown to. Others may have multiple 401(k)s and other plans with previous employers that they have never combined into a rollover IRA or that they have lost track of. For this reason, it is imperative that those who are approaching retirement start taking control of their retirement savings by working to create a definitive retirement plan.

Retirement planning allows you to dig deep into what you have saved and calculate your total amount of retirement savings. It also allows you to get an educated estimate of what your expenses in retirement may be, as it would be impossible to know if you have saved enough if you don’t know what you will be spending. If you are an organized and motivated person, you may be able to easily calculate this information on your own using an online retirement calculator. If you need more assistance or have a complicated financial picture that requires in-depth expertise, then working with a personal financial planner may be more appropriate for you.

Once you have an estimate of what you currently have in retirement savings and what your projected spending during retirement may look like, you will be able to determine if you are ahead of the game or far behind when it comes to additional savings required. You may see that the only way to retire on time is to start contributing more to a retirement plan now and cut back on some unnecessary expenditures. You may also find that you will need to stay in the work force longer than you had wanted or anticipated. Whatever your situation is, starting to work on your retirement plan earlier will give you more time to make up the difference that you need.

If you find yourself in the category of someone who responds with “Um..” or “I’m not sure” when asked how much you have saved for retirement, know that you aren’t alone. Many other people are in the same boat. Luckily, you can start taking control over your retirement savings today by beginning the retirement planning process and getting yourself on track to meet your retirement goals.


Financial Aid Awareness Month Tips and Ideas

February is Financial Aid Awareness Month. Its purpose is to provide important information to students and their families about financial aid. If you have children or grandchildren who plan to attain higher education after high school, now is the perfect time to increase your knowledge about the college funding process.

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Protect Your Loved Ones with Life Insurance

This Valentine’s Day, you owe it to yourself to show your loved ones just how much they mean to you. By investing in life insurance, you can protect your loved ones. At its core, life insurance helps protect your family from financial hardship in the event you unexpectedly pass away.

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Avoid Getting Scammed This Tax Season


Tax season is once again in full swing. While many concerned taxpayers file tax returns to meet the required deadline, criminals work harder to cash in and take advantage of the hectic tax season. Tax fraud remains a growing concern nationally and counterfeit scams cost millions of dollars. Individuals who take a proactive approach can deter fraud and protect their identity, information and their finances. Here are a few recent scams catching the watchful eye of the IRS.


The IRS just released notice IR-2019-09 to alert taxpayers of unscrupulous tax preparers. Deceitful tax preparers file erroneous tax returns for many unknown taxpayers. The law requires all preparers who receive payment for preparation of federal tax returns to have a valid Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). The tax preparer must include their PTIN and sign the return. For e-filed tax returns, a dishonest preparer will omit his electronic signature. Additionally, they may falsify tax information to increase the refund while directing the refund into their bank account. Taxpayers must review their tax returns for accuracy of income and deductions. Ensure the tax preparer signs the return and includes their PTIN. Make sure the bank account and routing numbers are correct. The IRS Directory of Federal Tax Return Preparers with Credentials and Select Qualifications provides an excellent resource to locate established tax preparers with the IRS.


Counterfeit websites disguise themselves as other well-known established charities to deceive generous individuals to donate money to a dire cause. Additionally, some individuals receive solicitations from fraudulent charities promising a nice tax deduction in return for your donation. Don’t fall victim to their schemes. Donors can prevent thousands of dollars from falling into the wrong hands. The IRS provides a tool to help prevent against charitable giving scams. Donors can verify if a charity is legitimate by utilizing the IRS search tool Tax Exempt Organization Search. Never give to a charity who solicits a donation without first verifying the authenticity of their organization.


In IRS notice IR-2018-226, the IRS alerts taxpayers to a recent spike in email phishing scams. While fraudulent emails and phishing scams have been around a while, data thieves continue working diligently to improve new tactics to steal valuable information. Emotet is the infected malware of choice in many email scams and Emotet remains well-known as the most damaging and expensive to fix. Many of these scam emails display tax account transcripts in the subject line of the email and include infected attachments with similar wording. These emails appear legitimate. They often disguise themselves as representatives with banks, financial institutions and the IRS. The IRS logo and other well-known bank logos appear real and many unsuspecting individuals open the infected email attachment. The IRS does not contact individuals through email. The IRS warns individuals to not open suspecting emails. The IRS remains diligent to combat fraud. If you suspect a suspicious email, you can also forward the email to


To Know About Retirement, Ask Those Already Retired

Everyone has different ideas of what it is like to retire. However, their ideas may be based solely on what they assume or what they have heard. The only way to know for certain is to ask people who have gone through it. Here are several facts and myths that you should learn more about regarding the retirement planning experience. 


A lot of people assume that boredom is a common occurrence for people without jobs. This is not an issue for those who have their days planned out. Many retirees claim that they have very few boring days. They say that they simply have more time to invest in things that they enjoy doing. Those who are struggling with boredom are encouraged to create their day-to-day schedules and list the activities that they now have time for. 


Many people worry about the high costs of covering a retirement. They automatically assume that without having a steady income, they will run out of money quickly. However, some retirees claim that their lives have become simpler with fewer responsibilities. They have given up the activities that they did during their workdays and now spend more idle time at home. 


Retirement does not have to mean no work forever. There are numerous retirees who have taken on part time jobs or gigs to make a supplemental income. They do this to supplement a meager retirement income or to cover costs for vacations or recreational activities. Other people continue working just to remain occupied. For every retiree, there is a work activity that he or she can do to stay active. 


Planning is a task that few people look forward to in terms of retiring. Without a well-detailed plan, any retirement is not guaranteed to go smoothly. An injury or accident could happen unexpectedly and cause major losses to a person’s budget. People should plan their retirements carefully like they are planning their careers. 

Long-Term Process 

Retirement does not have to be figured out in a short period of time. You could learn more about planning for retirement while you are retired. For many retirees, the most helpful experiences are faced firsthand. Do not stop learning about the retirement process before you begin it and remain open to gaining more knowledge. 


Declining health is an obvious concern for retired seniors. Young retirees in their 30s or 40s also worry about their health because they are more idle after quitting their jobs. Retirees are less active and more likely to become lazy or overweight than employed workers. Regardless of age, it’s important that one keeps track of his/her health until the last days of retirement. 

Retirement is one of the most unpredictable events in life. Many people plan for years but still face challenges that surprise them. While people may assume that retirement is boring, some retirees claim that it’s the most exciting period of their lives. It’s important to plan well for the retirement experience and make the most of it from this period in your life.



Save For Retirement or Your Kids’ College 

Student loan statistics never cease to disturb. Just in the United States, there are 44 million borrowers with $1.3 trillion in outstanding debt. With that kind of debt burden on new graduates, it’s no wonder that many parents want to try and find a way to save for both their children’s college expenses and retirement.

It may not be possible for every parent to do that and even those who manage should not expect to save all the money their children need, but they can certainly help reduce the amount their children need to borrow by learning to balance their savings.

Start by Maxing Out Your 401(k)

Borrowing from a 401(k) to fund college costs is a plan that can quickly backfire. With early withdrawal penalties and taxes, it’s an expensive option that should probably be avoided. But a saver can make sure to max out their employer matching contribution to increase the amount that’s saved toward retiring and reduce their personal savings burden.

Check Out Your State’s 529 Plan Options

Planning for college is hard when tuition costs keep rising but in some states, a 529 plan can help by allowing you to prepay tuition costs, locking in today’s prices. However, not every state sets up their 529 plans that way. In some states, the plan acts as a normal savings account.

Get Help with Financial Aid

Taking on the entire burden of school costs without looking into financial aid is a huge mistake, especially since about 66 percent of full-time students in the 2014-2015 school year qualified for some financial aid. Have your child work with the school’s financial aid counselors to determine which programs, grants and scholarships they might qualify for.

Automate Savings Deposits

Planning to save money and really saving it are two different things. One way to ensure you actually save for both your retirement and your kids’ tuition is by automating your savings deposits. In addition to automating your 401(k) through work, you can automate transfers from your checking account to your kids’ tuition funds and your IRAs every week or month. There are also some bank programs and apps that can allow you to regularly save $1 with every debit card purchase or save the change difference between your sales totals and the next rounded up dollar.

Open an IRA

Every year, you can deposit a good chunk into an individual (non-employer) retirement account called an IRA. You can choose between a tax-deferred Traditional IRA or a tax-free Roth IRA. If you’re in a high tax-bracket now, the Traditional IRA can help you reduce your tax burden, which may leave you with more cash to save toward your dual goals. Choosing a Roth means you can take tax-free distributions later on which reduces the amount you need to have saved.

Even if you can’t fully fund your kids’ tuition costs, the savings you amass can reduce the number of loans they need, putting both you and your child in a much more secure and comfortable financial position during your future golden years.


How the New President May Affect Your Finances

In honor of President’s Day on February 15th, it may be a good idea to discuss with your financial professional how our new president, Joe Biden, may affect your finances, taxes, and retirement. Meeting with your financial professional will enable you to prepare accordingly for the next four years and beyond. Here’s a brief overview of what Biden has in store for his upcoming term:

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Save For Retirement or Your Kids’ College 

Student loan statistics never cease to disturb. Just in the United States, there are 44 million borrowers with $1.3 trillion in outstanding debt. With that kind of debt burden on new graduates, it’s no wonder that many parents want to try and find a way to save for both their children’s college expenses and retirement.

It may not be possible for every parent to do that and even those who manage should not expect to save all the money their children need, but they can certainly help reduce the amount their children need to borrow by learning to balance their savings.

Start by Maxing Out Your 401(k)

Borrowing from a 401(k) to fund college costs is a plan that can quickly backfire. With early withdrawal penalties and taxes, it’s an expensive option that should probably be avoided. But a saver can make sure to max out their employer matching contribution to increase the amount that’s saved toward retiring and reduce their personal savings burden.

Check Out Your State’s 529 Plan Options

Planning for college is hard when tuition costs keep rising but in some states, a 529 plan can help by allowing you to prepay tuition costs, locking in today’s prices. However, not every state sets up their 529 plans that way. In some states, the plan acts as a normal savings account.

Get Help with Financial Aid

Taking on the entire burden of school costs without looking into financial aid is a huge mistake, especially since about 66 percent of full-time students in the 2014-2015 school year qualified for some financial aid. Have your child work with the school’s financial aid counselors to determine which programs, grants and scholarships they might qualify for.

Automate Savings Deposits

Planning to save money and really saving it are two different things. One way to ensure you actually save for both your retirement and your kids’ tuition is by automating your savings deposits. In addition to automating your 401(k) through work, you can automate transfers from your checking account to your kids’ tuition funds and your IRAs every week or month. There are also some bank programs and apps that can allow you to regularly save $1 with every debit card purchase or save the change difference between your sales totals and the next rounded up dollar.

Open an IRA

Every year, you can deposit a good chunk into an individual (non-employer) retirement account called an IRA. You can choose between a tax-deferred Traditional IRA or a tax-free Roth IRA. If you’re in a high tax-bracket now, the Traditional IRA can help you reduce your tax burden, which may leave you with more cash to save toward your dual goals. Choosing a Roth means you can take tax-free distributions later on which reduces the amount you need to have saved.

Even if you can’t fully fund your kids’ tuition costs, the savings you amass can reduce the number of loans they need, putting both you and your child in a much more secure and comfortable financial position during your future golden years.